Rafa's Way: The Resurrection of Newcastle United

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1 customer review

Great book, burnt to a crisp.

I received my copy on Saturday morning and decided that it would be a good idea to sit in the back garden to read it. Unluckily it turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far and I was so enthralled by the book that I didn't realise how badly I was about to be burned. I started reading as soon as the book arrived at 9am and carried on reading until 8pm non-stop and unlike some books, I didn't skip a single word. Throughout my time reading I was getting flashbacks to what had happened during the time Rafa has been at Newcastle and the book was as enjoyable as any book that I've ever read. I have no doubt that I will read the book many times, for now it has made its way to the book case where I hope the sun warped pages go back to their original shape. I highly recommend this book, the only thing missing is a health warning "Do not read while out in strong sun". 6 days after reading it, I'm still scratching burnt shoulders and my right thigh is still swollen.

Reviewed by Mick on 23 Jun 2017 | Permalink

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